Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Shooting Day Four


I used the same equipment as the last three shooting days as well as including the props I had created for my music video - the Diary and the Polaroids.



In this shoot I wanted to create the videos of Elle's imagination. This is showing the everyday life moments that people want to be able to do in a couple. This is meant to look as natural as possible. In an attempt to try get a natural section I recorded them without them knowing so that they would be natural together. I got Elle to look through some photographs that she had taken on her DSLR to make it more of a natural situation as both actor and actress are photographers.

Once they got the hang of me filming them I then had to make them relax by actually telling them out loud to relax. I thought once this didn't go slightly to plan as I wanted it to I then used directions following this situation. I needed to make sure it wasn't too over the top like it was in this footage and it seemed quite subtle therefore I wanted to film this shot again. 

I directed Jamie through a series of steps to get a routine to make it more of a couple situation. I feel although they were nervous throughout they did a good job at making it realistic. I know my talent found it hard to do this exercise but I felt with an added set of directions from my part it would make it easier for them. They then looked a lot more them as a couple, by this I mean they looked like they worked as a couple and they weren't just friends. I am also going to up the exposure and saturation of these videos so that they look a lot more dream like and colourful.


The second location consisted of the same plan. I thought about what I do at home with my partner to relax and how we are naturally in a home whilst happy. I found that I play fight a lot with television remotes which then brought me to finding my next location on set; in Elle's house. Elle has a secluded  second living room which I could film in and this was ideal for my situation as it has a wide window ledge where I could sit on with my camera in hand/on tripod to capture a vertical yet tilted shot or an over the shoulder shot of the couple. 
I got my couple to have fun whilst doing this to make them feel more at ease and at home with the situation and the filming. The fact they are close friends anyway makes this easier for my audience to get the connection and the couple like actions between them.

I also tried a shot using my tripod from the front of the couple in order for the audience to see more of their faces, I could experiment with these shots for a variety of different styles. I feel that they don't look that romantic in this shot however therefore I believe I will use the ones above to make it look more romantic. 


To get my last location I asked where Elle is the most once she is in her house, she told me the kitchen. I thought of what could be a romantic scene yet natural again in the kitchen and other than baking which we didn't have time to do the other suggestion was a normal scene such as making a cup of tea and then them interacting with one another which is what I then instructed them to do. I felt this was a homely video yet was still 'couple' enough for Elle imagination.
Here is the video of the two of them relaxing together in the kitchen, is is a replica of the positioning I had them in for the sets of videos.

Here is an example of the use of footage I will be putting in the polaroid. It is a cross between relaxed romance and friendship. What I am expecting to make is Elle's vision on her wanted personal life therefore having her sat on the counter and not a chair makes it all the more an informal situation.

Creating the polaroid drawn images

As I wanted to recreate drawings and make them then move as imaginational videos. I did this by adding a drawn effect to them in Photoshop CS6, lowering the opacity and then saving them as individual pictures and stitching them back together and quickened them. 

The drawn images using the filter effect were later sharpened by myself before experimenting with the opacity to get more of a pencil effect onto them.
These are the final three images I have used to put onto my polaroids.

All three videos that I am using are the following.

This is my final set of videos with the effect put before it. I have put them all together so it is visible in my planning. I did this in Windows Movie Maker.

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